Thursday, March 22, 2007


I have just realized that we have something planned for every weekend from now until at least May 20th. Now one of the weekends is Easter and another is when Brian will be leaving for England for work. I have a ton of outside stuff that I would like to get done, and the majority of it I will need his help for. I have a feeling that by the end of May I am not going to feel like doing much. Things have been going well here. We had a very busy weekend. It started with a girls night out with friends, then Lizzie had a birthday party to go to Friday night.It was a sleepover with 10 kids between the ages of 3 and 10. I did not have her sleepover, I picked her up at 10. Sat. morning I got up to make Irish soda bread and Guiness cake for our St. Patty's day party that we were holding that night. By 11:45 I was out the door with another birthday party Lizzie was invited too. Got home and prepared for the party. The next day I was slow to recover( I have trouble staying up until 3am these days). Then Buddy and Lizzie had a birthday party that evening. This weekend we have just one party on the schedule. That is all for now, just thought I would do a quick update.


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