Saturday, December 02, 2006

Go to the Dentist

So it has been a month since my last real post, I guess I should update. For Thanksgiving we went to MA. The trip up was the longest trip ever. Buddy had basketball Tuesday night. So Brian and Buddy got home around 8. Brian still had to load the four wheeler and rearrange the packing I did in the van. He had to add a big toolbox and I did not leave room for it. I am a terrible packer. Did I mention there was freezing rain and wind gust up to 25mph. Not good driving weather, especially when driving with a trailer. So Brian drove the first 3 hours, then we switched. Luckily the wind and rain died down shortly after my turn started. So I am doing fairly well driving and not getting tired. I am hoping to make it well into NJ, so Brian can take over and we can drive thru NY, by taking the GW bridge. Well Deleware did not agree with my plan. They decided to do roadwork right after the tolls. They closed all but two of there lanes. So Maryland is superslow, stop and go traffic. We get thru the Deleware toll and traffic comes to a stop. I literally had the car in park for 45 minutes. They were not letting any cars thru for a little bit. They went form All the toll lanes to 2 lanes. I ended up driving for 6hours and did not make much progress. We ended up haveing to take the long way home, by taking the Tappenzee bridge. This is a longer route and normally adds about an hour onto the trip. Then both kids get sick. Buddy got sick before breakfast and gave us warning, so he had a bag,just in case. Lizzie gave us no warning after breakfast. She got pancakes and syrup everywhere. I took lizzie into change, and Brian got the job of cleaning up the van. So the rest of the ride smelled like pancakes. Which would have been fine, except we know where it came from and therefore it almost made us sick. ONce we got there we had a great visit. Brian got to ride his four wheeler with a friend of his. We went to the Pats game on Sunday. It was my fist NFL game and was a lot of fun. We tailgated with my siblings, there friends and Brian;s brother in law, and My sisters husband and father in-law.(They were the Bears fans)

Brian found a new sport while tailgating, Flip Cup

We ended up leaving MOnday morning at about 2:30am so we wouldn't have to drive too much during the day. The trip home was uneventful. My brothers are due to arrive today for a visit. They got cheap tickets and have not seen our new house yet. Things have been going well here. OUr big news is that I am 12 weeks pregnant. I had an ultrasound last week and things are going well. I don't feel good most of the time and I am supertired which is one of the reasons I have not posted in a while( laziness being the other reason). I have also had some major tooth pain. I had a cavity I was suppossed to have filled over the summer. I had to cancel the appt. and never rescheduled. Well I found out last month that I need a root canal. I had to wait until my 2nd trimester to get it done. SO next week, It will be done. It really stinks to have tooth pain, and only be able to take Tylenol. I had my regular check up this week. THe hygenist couldn't stop taliking about how clean my teeth are. She could tell I brushed and flossed. Yet I still get cavities. So go to the dentist, and do not put off cavities.


Blogger Kristen said...

CONGRATUALTIONS! I am so happy for you! So that would make you due around May, right?
Will you guys be going up for Christmas? We would love to see ya if you are! Jon and I will be up there only for a few days, but its better than nothing!

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Congratulations!!! I am a shithead. I wish I had been able to see you. Things were nuts around here and by the time I got your email and everything. I am so sorry. I am so happy for you! Take it easy and take care.

Love you, Tracy

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Annmarie,
Congratulations! Sorry I missed you, I ended up getting sick over the break, as you know little kids can get you sick and our school is a germ fest. I hope you are able to get some rest
take care

5:02 PM  
Blogger Autumn said...

Congratulations! Being pregnant is really bad for your teeth. Blame it on that! LOL

4:16 PM  

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